Released 25th January 2025.
- When launching a Steam version of the game, the Steam launch URI is now used to prevent issues with conflicting Steamworks sessions
Released 24th January 2025.
- Now available via Steam!
Script editor:
- Soundbanks are now correctly looked up using Wwise hashing
- Added more vanilla flowgraph layouts
Asset editor:
- Added option to export all items at once
- Fixed a potential nullref for some models
Config editor:
- New Resolution, FOV, and LOD options enter at index zero to prevent in-game issues
- Fixed written values for FOV, shadow map resolution, and shadow map filter quality
- Fixed saving FOV changes
Launch game tool:
- d3d11.dll is no longer removed if hot reload is disabled (prevents a conflict with Alias Isolation)
- Added link to Bluesky
- Steam branch is now displayed in landing screen
- Steam achievements are now supported
- Reworked checking for offline mode and Steam mode
- Fixed an issue where running OpenCAGE outside the game directory in staging mode would cause an update loop
- Fixed a small typo in the settings window
Released 2nd December 2024.
- Added support for Steam - wishlist now!
Script editor:
- Added ability to see soundbanks containing selected sound events
- Selected string is highlighted when special string window is opened
- stop_sound_event now gives option to open selection window
Released 9th November 2024.
- Added support for launching OpenCAGE outside the Alien: Isolation directory
Released 31st October 2024.
Script editor:
Added support for editing entity links via flowgraphs:
- Composites can have any number of flowgraphs, and entities can have any number of nodes within the flowgraphs
- To define a link between an entity, create a node for it, add the appropriate pins to the node, and then drag a link between that pin and and pin on another node.
- A composite will not support flowgraphs if it has been previously modified, or if the layout has not yet been defined. Work is continuing to define more layouts.
- Added ability to add/rename/remove flowgraphs
- Added ability to create/delete/modify flowgraph nodes
- Reworked UI to include the main flowgraph document area
Reworked entity parameter management window:
- Instead of having separate remove/add windows, there's now simply the parameter manager window which allows you to check/uncheck parameters to be applied
- Added the ability to add custom parameters (replaces the previous "enable legacy creation" option)
- No longer displays links: for composites that support flowgraphs, links should be maintained in the flowgraph - for composites that don't support flowgraphs, a separate "add link" window is available, with options to remove each link individually on the links themselves
- String datatype with autofill suggestions (e.g. localised strings) now use a popup window to improve entity selection times, with content preview
- Most search fields will now automatically search upon typing, rather than having to press search
- Fixed an issue where duplicating an entity would add it to the list twice
- Fixed a crash when searching for a function that doesn't exist
- Added a right click menu to add/remove/rename composites in the file tree
- Empty vanilla aliases are now cleared up to prevent bloat
- Entity search now correctly ignores entity ID matches if option is disabled
- Custom colour picker colours now persist
- Removed ability to add additional parameters to variable entities
- Temporarily removed ability to rename variable entities
- Composite tree no longer hides selection when focus lost
- Added right click menu in entity inspector for modifying parameters
- Removed legacy nodegraph and associated options
- Changed handling of entity ID in collision mapping resource
- Temporarily disabled DynamicPhysicsSystem resource editing
- Fixed rogue instances where levels use REDS.BIN in RENDERABLE
- Added a confirmation when jumping to entity from TriggerSequence editor
- Default width is now wider
- Added "controls" window showing controls for flowgraph and model views
- Composite search box will search when enter is pressed
- Populating default parameters no longer adds "name" for non-Zone entities
- Various additional bug fixes, workflow improvements, and performance improvements
- Various fixes and tweaks at the CathodeLib level to parsing functionality in prep for the next update
Launch game tool:
Changes to "Debug Checkpoints" launch option:
- Debug checkpoints can now be used on DLC maps
- Removed cap on maximum number of checkpoints
- Reduced chances of a file lock happening
Asset editor:
- Fixed a crash when importing non-DX10 DDS images
Behaviour editor:
- Fixed a load error when using behaviour XMLs that only have one root node
- Added link to X (Twitter) in the main launcher
- Separated links to resources from the settings/backup options
- Fixed a crash when verifying OpenCAGE tools if MODTOOLS directory has been removed
Released 29th March 2024.
Script editor:
- Added right click option to delete on all parameters
- Reworked link/parameter removing UI
- Can now remove links IN as well as links OUT
- Can now select multiple links/parameters to remove at once
- Confirmation popup added before removing
- Made window resizable
- Added icons
- Reworked parameter adding UI
- Can now select multiple parameters at once
- Parameters are grouped by their usage
- Datatypes are now predefined
- Made window resizable
- Added icons
- Added option to re-enable the legacy parameter adding UI
- Updated proxy/alias creation UI to remove the intermediary naming step, now just requires you to select an entity to point to
- Updated TriggerSequence editor
- Entities are now listed in a nicer ListView
- Added support for multi-select when removing entities
- You are now required to select an entity to point to when adding a new entry entity in the list
- Minor style tweaks
- Made UI resizable
- Reworked parameter entity creation UI to be more specific, and resizable
- Added hierarchy display to the hierarchy selector in-keeping with the one used in the main entity list
- Fixed an issue where reopening the composite display window would not allow you to select entities
- Composite display correctly keeps composite name title when jumping into nested composites
- Composite display is now named "Composites" rather than the level name, level name is now instead visible in main app title
- "Show Nodegraph" option now defaults to enabled
- Added tooltips for vectors and transforms
- Entity list will now scroll to the selected entity
- "Rename Entity" option is (correctly) no longer visible for aliases
Backup tool:
- Added ability to check multiple backups to delete at once
- Added confirmation prompt before deleting
Released 23rd March 2024.
- Script Editor:
- Entity list search now correctly clears if selecting an entity that had been filtered out
- Fixed the usage of the "composite selected" event
- Updated Discord Rich Presence text
- Entity link window can now be resized
- Pressing enter in the function entity creator will create the entity
Released 20th March 2024.
- Script Editor:
- Added new UI for creating function entities
- Added new UI for creating composite instance entities
- External references window can now be resized
- Entity list now correctly highlights the loaded entity
- Fixed an issue where entity list population was being called multiple times
- Reworked entity list population to improve composite load speed
- Fixed an issue where excessive ShortGuids were being written to COMMANDS.PAK files as custom values incorrectly (reduces PAK filesize)
- Added a mechanism to remember composite purge state, to reduce loading times for already-visited composites
- Added a fix for splitter width error on first startup
- Added a fix for lazily loaded strings if launching directly to a level
- Launch Game:
- Added a new patching step to remove the game's "TEXT_" prefix on PopupMessage text entities.
Released 24th February 2024.
- Launch Game:
- Fixed an issue where Cinematic Tools would fail to inject if two AI processes were present
- Script Editor:
- Fixed various thread-related issues
- Fixed some further memory leaks
- Fixed composite icons in tabs
- Removed collapsible list view controls
- Updated to .NET Framework 4.8
Released 17th February 2024.
- Enabled minimise option in launcher
Asset Editor:
- Fixed a maximisable window that shouldn't have been maximisable
Backup Manager:
- Backup names are now required
Script Editor:
- Window width, height, and state are now saved between sessions
- UI divider widths are now saved between sessions
- Material selector will now preview the associated textures
- Changed internal handling of ShortGuids to massively improve efficiency
- Refactored sharing of loaded game data to improve memory usage
- Changed handling of entity and composite forms to improve performance
- "Node Editor" is now called "Nodegraph", with improvements:
- Updated nodegraph to render rounded nodes, nicer font
- Made the window dockable (by default, starts on right - new spacings and positionings will save between sessions)
- Moved "clicking node opens entity" option to main toolbar
- Fixed an issue where loading a new level may cause a nullref
- Now updates whenever changes are made to the entity (better reflects added/removed links)
- Fixed an issue where highlighting multiple nodes could cause a stack overflow
- Swapped entity link button text for icons, and made the whole link UI smaller
- Changed some forms to double buffered to help rendering stutter
- You can now right click anywhere on the entity list to add a new entity, with a contextual right click on entities to delete/rename/duplicate
- Improved support for renaming composites and entities: UI will now correctly update with new names everywhere
- Entity list population now searches by default, meaning search queries are correctly respected within nested composites
- Model viewer now uses a different up & view direction to better suit most models
- Added rename composite button
- Added a clear search button on the entity list
- Entity selector popup and hierarchy editor improvements:
- UI can now be resized
- Now uses shared codebase with main composite entity list (benefits from nicer entity display, better performance, etc)
- Tidied up some legacy code
- Added support for the enter key in some input boxes
- Fixed a rogue ShortGUID showing up when the option to hide them is enabled
- Fixed datatype auto selection for proxied/aliased entities
- Added ability to copy/paste vectors and colours
- Tidied add link out UI
- Fixed a rogue crash related to renaming
- Fixed issues around ANIMATED_MODEL:
- Caught a crash if there are no environment animations
- Fixed resource index calculation
- Resized UI to fit better
- Fixed an issue where position/rotation values would vanish when editing a model resource
- Fixed top dropdown randomly closing
- Deleting links to/from entities now asks for confirmation
- Disabled a spammy console log inside the new shader parser
- Added a button to reset UI sizes to default
- Fixed a bug where multiple entities would be added if the UI was requested to be opened multiple times
- Fixed a bug where add entity UI wouldn't pull focus
- Various other minor fixes and optimisations
Released 2nd January 2024.
- Launch game tool:
- Enabled option to perform memory replay logging
- Enabled option to disable in-game UI (no_ui launch arg)
- Enabled option to skip the frontend (skip_frontend launch arg)
- Commands editor:
- Extended experimental support for composite porting to include ANIMATED_MODEL and RENDERABLE_INSTANCE
- Updated shader code to new shader parsers
- Unity tool:
- Added some custom editor layouts and tweaks to improve usability
Released 12th October 2023.
- Asset editor:
- Fixed a bug where UI.PAK editing wouldn't function correctly
- Commands editor:
- Limited EnvironmentModelReference entities to one per composite
- Made the model viewer window resizable
- Made the composite/function uses window resizable
- Added a count to the composite/function uses window
- Fixed anchoring on the spline parameter view
- Added option to keep the composite/function uses window open
Released 1st October 2023.
- Commands editor:
- Added option to disable/enable auto-hide of the composite viewer
- Added option to disable/enable the new file browser UI in the composite viewer
- Moved options into subcategories
- Fixed crash when enabling unity websocket while another is active
- Fixed crash when pasting an invalid transform
- Fixed jump to entity in the function search window
- Fixed parameter suggestion for proxy entities
- Unity tool:
- Fixed an issue with loading _PATCH DLC maps
Released 21st September 2023.
- Commands editor:
- Added new file browser style UI to composite display, with resizable divide between old tree view and new browser ui
- Added initial concept of contextual loading to composite viewer
- Added contextual information display with global/relative position
- Large performance improvements to model selector
- Composite instances now show separately to function entities in the composite entity list
- Added ability to collapse entity view groups
- Find instances of composite & delete composite no longer visible for root/pausemenu/global
- Composite display is now pinned to bottom, and auto hides to increase display space (this can be undone by clicking the pin)
- Root composite is now handled nicer
- Composite instance entities now use just the composite name rather than whole path in the entity list and title bar
- Can now only have one composite loaded at once
- Restricted movement of tab panels
- Aliases now follow the relative hierarchy when going to the entity they effect
- Composites now sorted alphabetically
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't create a composite or folder in the root folder
- Composite uses window and function uses window is now resizable
- Renamed "variable entities" to "composite parameters" to simplify onboarding for new users
- Reworked and reworked various UI elements
- Special icon for root and PAUSEMENU/GLOBAL/DisplayModel composites
- Added ability to delete composites/folders in context menu
- Special icons for entity types
- Icons now display in tabs
- Correctly dispose tabs when closed
- Added context menu to copy/paste transform parameters
- Added Discord rich presence
- Input fields now auto select on several popups
- Added ability to rename composites
- Added context menu to handle entity operations
- Added context menu to handle composite/folder operations
- Unity tool:
- Made loading non-rendered objects optional to improve loading times and play-time performance
- Fixed some issues where levels/composites would not be loaded correctly when selected in the script editor
- Added new foreground and background icon elements in the assets folder
Released 14th September 2023.
- Commands editor:
- Use CTRL+S to save
- Added option to disable save confirmation popup
- Levels are now selected via toolstrip menu
- Renamed "Overrides" to "Aliases"
- Added more tooltips
- More misc renames and tweaks
- Performance improvements for the cross-ref checker
- Performance improvements for finding zone
- Added total counts to cross-ref buttons
- Fixed a bug where only the first submesh of a model would display in the model preview
- Fixed the "Change Model" button
- Now loading level textures and global textures
- Display rotation X/Y/Z in model previewer
- Added option to render models with textures (experimental for now)
- Added buttons to select entities in pin editor via GUI rather than dropdown
- Updated websocket data to support new Unity level tool changes
- Fixed maximising on "add folder" window
- Fixed a bug with reloading composites when enabling/disabling hex codes
- Sped up resource checking for composite porting
- Removed backup functionality (please use the level backup tool)
- Unity level previewer:
- Reworked websocket data into JSON package
- Removed all unused assets/scripts
- Scene now in root of Assets
- Large performance improvements
- Updated to latest CathodeLib
- Reduced duplications of CathodeLib functionality in-code
- Path to Alien is now passed via websocket to remove need to modify script
- Improved memory utilisation
- Re-implemented Commands parsing - now loads from Commands rather than MVR
- Loads Commands data contextually to the selected composite
- Cubemaps now render for objects loaded via MVR
- Updated some texture/cst indexes
Released 8th September 2023.
- Commands editor:
- Added ability to add folders
- Add composite is now contextual to selected folder
- Added ability to search composites
- Added option to search composites without folder names
- Added functionality to search for uses of FunctionEntity types
- Added option to disable tabs for composites/entities
- Folder icons show open when folder is expanded
- Threaded parameter loading to improve load speeds of large commands
- Asset loading no longer blocks initial UI refresh
- Fixed layer ordering of button in create composite entity
- Fixed resizing on enum dropdown
- Fixed an issue with composite duplicate name check
- Added tooltips to several things
- Backup tool:
- Re-enabled legacy mod importing
- Fixed memory exception issue
- Verifying OpenCAGE tools no longer deletes backups
- Added some catches to the updater to handle remote server errors
- Reduced retry time on updater process kill script
Released 2nd September 2023.
- Commands editor:
- Complete UI overhaul
- All elements are now dynamically resizable
- Multiple entities and composites can be opened at any one time
- Entity list now separates name and type, and does not show entity guid
- Entity list is now grouped by entity types and sorted
- Added icons
- Simplified several popup windows and reworked instancing logic (e.g. add entity and composite)
- Improved loading speed
- Script editor will no longer be able to load a level that doesn't have asset files
- MVR editor now shows rotation data in euler format
- Fixed a bug where modifying rotation in MVR editor would also modify scale
- Added a catch to prevent setting empty folder/composite names
- Added a button to show entities that instance the selected composite
- Changed numeric input field to round to 7dp
- General performance improvements
- Fixed a bug where instances would not generate correctly in certain circumstances
- Added additional catch to prevent corrupt saves
- Improved name display for override/proxy entities
- Nodegraph UI now relies on events to update
- Proxies and overrides now display the entity they point to in the entity creator
- Websocket should now update more reliably
- Added status text
- Added an option to show entity IDs (now disabled by default)
- Added option to batch delete entities
- Added ability to port composites between levels
- Currently this only supports composites without Proxies and without Resource References. Will be expanded in future updates.
- Supports porting nested composites where possible.
- Config editor:
- Complete UI overhaul
- Editors now open within the same window rather than external windows
- Resized all editors
- Main editor window can now be navigated via a tree view
- Added icons
- Enforced consistent spacing and styling across all editors
- Improved the UI of the Item and Inventory editor
- Improved the UI of the Graphics Settings editor
- Implemented new BML parser to Item and Inventory editor
- Removed reset functionality (now in backup tool)
- Removed mod packaging functionality (will return soon with improvements for level modifications)
- Removed old font/image assets
- Fixed some priority/ordering bugs in the Graphics Settings editor
- Removed working file/directory requirement from Item and Inventory editor, and Graphics Settings editor
- Can no longer add empty graphics settings
- Reduced download size
- Backup tool:
- Renamed to Backup Manager
- Added landing screen
- Added behaviour tree reset functionality
- Added config reset functionality
- Behaviour tree editor:
- Removed launcher
- Implemented BML compilation into main editor
- Split node and behaviour lists in two
- Renamed main editor
- Fixed some incorrect values in LegendPlugin
- Added a lot of enum values and renamed CATHODE enums
- Removed some legacy/unused options from the UI
- Streamlined other legacy Brainiac implementations
- Default window size/layout now matches new script editor
- Fixed a bug where nested behaviours would not load properly
- Updated to .NET Framework 4.7.2
- Removed reset functionality (now in backup tool)
- Asset editor:
- Added ability to port textures between levels
- Updated launch argument handling on all tools in prep for future changes
- Submitted all tools to Microsoft for Smartscreen analysis
- Updated roadmap and other stuff in README
Released 9th August 2023.
- Modified hashing algorithm of level backup tool to reduce size of backups
Released 8th August 2023.
- Backup tool:
- Added a diff count to each backup
- Diff count is shown above option to backup
- Added an option to backup all levels at once
- Added a prompt for first-time users to backup all levels
- Fixed an issue where identical files would not be backed up correctly
Released 7th August 2023.
- Added a new tool to create and manage backups of levels
- Script editor updates:
- QOL improvements to TriggerSequence editor
- MVR editor now shows the contextual hierarchy
- Function entity types now display more consistently between function and class type
- Added more autocomplete types
- Physics.MAP is now loaded
- Fixed an issue where types that should be string autocompleted to resource
- Fixed an issue with _PATCH maps saving/loading incorrect WORLD data
- Maps now populate in the selection correctly
- Added a button to select composite type when making a composite instance entity (no longer a dropdown)
- Added logic check to make sure you don't create an infinite loop of composite references
- File trees now correctly select entries
- Added an option to disable selecting entities when clicking on nodes in the nodegraph
- Backup option now backs up the current state of the COMMANDS.PAK every 5 minutes to a COMMANDS_BACKUPS folder within the level, saving a maximum of 16 timestamped PAKs
- Launch game tool updates:
- Maps now populate in the selection correctly
- Reduced filesize
- Asset editor updates:
- Maps now populate in the selection correctly
- Fixed texture coordinate export
- Model parts with no name now export as part index name
- Reduced filesize
- Config editor updates:
- Removed hair/skin shading options
- Updated CathodeLib
- Other misc bugfixes and tweaks!
Released 26th April 2023.
- Asset editor updates:
- Added support for importing new models
- Added support for importing new textures
- Added support for importing new animations & skeletons
- Added support for exporting models
- Improved support for exporting textures
- Added support for exporting animations & skeletons (will be improved over time)
- Added support for editing materials:
- Support for modifying assigned textures in every shader slot
- Support for modifying tint, normal map scale, diffuse map scale, diffuse map offset
- Support for editing material names
- Added the ability to duplicate materials
- Added support for editing existing models:
- Support for adding components/parts/submeshes
- Support for scaling submeshes
- Support for applying new materials to submeshes
- Added ability to preview models with textures
- Added ability to preview materials
- Added ability to edit existing animations & skeletons (will be improved over time)
- Improved support for editing existing textures
- Added ability to export all textures
- Added ability to export all animations & skeletons
- Improved ability to export all UI files
- Added support for deleting models
- Added support for deleting textures
- Added support for deleting animations & skeletons
- Redesigned landing page in WPF to match new OpenCAGE landing
- Performance improvements
- Behaviour tree editor updates:
- Redesigned landing page in WPF to match new OpenCAGE landing
- Reduced size of build
- Config editor updates:
- Redesigned landing page in WPF to match new OpenCAGE landing
- Added border & close button to all main windows
- Changed flow of app exit
- Added asset editor settings
- Script editor updates:
- Improved stability when loading resource references which point to deleted models
- Improved handling of unresolvable collision resource reference IDs
- Updated CathodeLib version (some rendering issues with models present - will be fixed in the next release)
- Fixed writing of renderable elements database to resolve LOD bug
Released 9th April 2023.
- Added an option to verify OpenCAGE components within settings
- Rebuilt the landing page of OpenCAGE in WPF
- Added a link to the new OpenCAGE documentation in the landing window
- Updater will delete directories it is downloading updates for, to prevent files from old versions persisting
- Fixed an issue where the Cinematic Tools would not function
- Script editor updates:
- Parameters on entities are now sorted alphabetically
- Added CAGEAnimation editing support
- Added a node viewer to visualise connections in/out of the currently selected entity
- Added a toggle to enable the node viewer
- Parameters that reference a colour now allow assignment through a colour picker, with colour preview
- Enum parameters now allow selection of a named enum value, rather than inputting the index as a number (where currently possible)
- Added autocomplete for parameters pointing to:
- Room reverbs
- Sound events
- Sound banks
- Materials
- UI strings
- Objective strings
- Added a zone-selection button to entities that are zoned
- Implemented a websocket server which can connect to Unity to load levels and focus on positions when entities are selected (WIP)
- Added toggle to enable websocket connections for Unity editor
- Popup windows are now auto-closed when no longer relevant to the current editor state
- Added a "Delete Link" button on in/out links
- Fixed an issue where dropdowns would autocomplete text when opening them
- Improvements to memory usage
- Parameter list for each entity is now fully populated aside from callbacks
- Parameter list & default population now supports CompositeInterface inheritance for instanced composites
- Default parameter population now accounts for inherited members
- Added option to auto populate proxy parameters
- "Enable Backups" option is now remembered when restarting the editor
- CAGEAnimation cross-references are now included in the "References" popup
Released 7th March 2023.
- OpenCAGE must now be launched from Alien: Isolation's directory (if you prefer to launch it from elsewhere please use a shortcut!)
- Updates to script editor:
- Added support for editing splines
- Added TriggerSequence usages to the references window
- Updated the design of the references window to make it easier to expand
- Added a rotation gizmo to the model viewer
- TriggerSequence editor now allows you to edit events
- Renamed "triggers" to "entities" in TriggerSequence editor
- Fixed an error when duplicating entities with null ShortGuid values
- Tidied up the project and renamed a bunch of stuff
- Updated to new CathodeLib
- Libraries are no longer embedded
- Added a link to the GitHub repo on the OpenCAGE landing screen
- Improved download URL formatting for local dev testing
- Vastly reduced the size of the main OpenCAGE exe to reduce update download size
- Added a one-time prompt to star the project on GitHub for regular users
- Launch Game window is now an external app
- Updater now auto retries if it fails to update
Released 4th February 2023.
- Renamed submodules to match new repo names
- Script editor updates:
- Massive performance improvements when loading/saving
- Performance improvements when selecting an entity
- Added a "references" button on entity info which shows all proxies and overrides that point to the entity
- Added a button to go back to the previous composite
- Resource editing has been changed, with support for:
- Animated Models: select the animation index
- Collision Mappings: select the collision ID and set a position/rotation
- Nav Mesh Barrier Resources: set a position/rotation
- Renderable Instances: set a model, materials, and a position/rotation
- All other resource types are now automatically applied as appropriate
- Overrides and proxies now show the entity they point to (and its hierarchy) in the entity list
- Overrides can now point to variable and proxy entities as well as just function entities
- Fixed various issues with the link editor where incorrect parameter suggestions would show
- Fixed an issue where assets would sometimes fail to load
- Fixed issues with duplicating entities
- Fixed a bug where the parameter removing UI would hard-crash when no params/links were present
- Swapped to using CathodeLib's new model/material parser
- Abstracted more logic across to CathodeLib (release coming very soon)
- Renamed to "Commands Editor"
Released 8th January 2023.
- Script editor updates:
- Added option to enable automatic backups, which will save a secondary PAK every 5 minutes
- Reworked save method for entity names (this is a breaking change, all existing custom entity names will be removed)
- Added support for saving custom variable names
- When an entity is deleted from a composite, all associated overrides and triggers will now also be removed within the same composite
- Changed method for parameter generation (moved to CathodeLib)
- Fixed a "parameter is not valid" entity lookup issue
- Added support for renaming variable entities
- Re-enabled support for adding/removing parameters to variable entities
- Re-enabled support for duplicating variable entities
- Fixed an issue with parameter ordering
Released 5th January 2023.
- Script editor updates:
- Fixed entity lookup error
Released 5th January 2023.
- Script editor updates:
- Large performance improvements when saving Commands files
- Fixed a bug that prevented TriggerSequence and CAGEAnimation entities from functioning correctly
- Added functionality to edit existing links
- Re-added ability to add resource parameters and variable entities
- Overrides and proxies will now suggest parameters for the entities they point to
- Improvements to GUID generation for new objects
- Jumping to an entity via a linked parameter that had been cleared from the list because of a search now works
Released 4th January 2023.
- Script editor updates:
- Entity creator now allows manual typing input to select function
- Entity link UI is now wider to allow full visibility of entity names
- Resource parameter can no longer be manually added, and is instead automatically added to the appropriate entities
- Some default parameters and resources are now optionally applied when instancing entities
- Resource data is validated upon saving to check for incorrect configs
- Added support for loading Environment_Animation.dat files & displaying indexes for ANIMATED_MODEL resources
- Fixed enum lookup list
- Fixed _PATCH DLC map resource loading
- Entity name caching now caches per-composite
- Links in and out of entities now show in the parameter list
- When jumping to entities, they now correctly select in the UI
- Datatype Entity is now called Variable Entity
- Found and fixed some sorting issues that would cause rogue unintended crashes in-game
- Other various UX improvements and vast codebase and stability improvements (updated to CathodeLib 0.3.2)
- Added "Hot Reload" option to "Launch Game" screen [STEAM ONLY]
- Enabling this allows you to press the "INSERT" key in-game to reload the current level
Released 24th December 2022.
- Script editor updates:
- Resized various elements in the main UI
- Added a search box to the proxy entity selection UI
- Fixed a regional numeric formatting issue with floats
- Game platform will now optionally show in the script editor header (toggleable via settings)
- Fixed an issue where baked composites could not be resolved in the enum lookup (gcip_worldpickup, playforminduration, torch_control)
- Removed "Clear MVR" option
- Three new entity options are available
- Edit Resources: this will allow you to add/edit/remove resources referenced by an entity or resource parameter
- Renderables are currently editable, with support for other resource types coming soon
- Edit Movers: this will allow you to view all baked static instances of the entity in the level
- Instanced renderables (known as "movers") are stored independent of the resources attached to the script entity, and this data is used to apply instance-specific overrides to materials, models, and collision (E.G. in-game posters all have different poster materials yet are one entity in the scripting tool)
- Currently you can edit the model, materials, transform, and type info for each mover - more functionality will be coming soon
- Edit Function: this will allow you to edit entity-specific functionality
- Currently, TriggerSequence sequence editing is supported, CAGEAnimation timeline editing support is coming soon (preview available)
- Added model viewer to function with the resource and mover editors, will allow you to view any model in the game in a 3D viewer
- Scrollwheel zooms the view, WASD translates the camera, and RMB pivots
- Added support for loading and handling renderable elements, materials, models, and textures
- The model and material previews are still in development, and will better reflect the in-game versions as work progresses
- Composites tree now expands to the default selected root composite
- Parameters are no longer sorted in the UI as this was causing unexpected errors when compiling
- If you encounter an error while saving, your existing COMMANDS.PAK will no longer become corrupted
- Parser no longer creates placeholders for linked entities that were deleted and not cleared up by CA's tools
- Various other bug fixes and QOL improvements
- Implemented LegendPlugin behaviour tree nodes that were previously unused: ActionAbortMeleeAttack, ActionAlienWonScareTest, ActionDebugString, ActionFakeSense, ActionForceSearch, ActionIdleTimeFacingTargetSensedPosition, ActionPauseSenses, ActionPlayTree, ActionResetSearchJobs, ActionSetMenaceManager, ActionTakeStep, DecoratorLoop, DecoratorSetSenseSet
- Fixed font for Sound Tool option
- Added a logger to track the current installed version, and number of times the app has launched
- Various library updates:
- Updated Newtonsoft JSON in Config Editor
- Updated AlienPAK to .NET 4.8
- Updated AlienPAK to use non-legacy CathodeLib
Released 7th July 2022.
- Fixed an error where DDS textures would export incorrectly.
- Disabled rename/duplicate buttons in script editor for DataType entities.
- Parameter UI has been condensed in the script editor for better readability.
- Updated an additional Newtonsoft JSON alert.
- Minor code tidy in main OpenCAGE app.
Released 29th June 2022.
- Updater now verifies a hash for archives to ensure correct versioning.
- Updater download progress bar now displays a more accurate percentage.
- Script editor now hides rename/duplicate options for datatype nodes.
- Fixed a missing icon in the OpenCAGE settings window.
- Updated an additional Newtonsoft JSON alert.
Released 26th June 2022.
- Fixed an issue where proxies would become corrupted and unresolvable.
- Entity parameters are now sorted by type in the script editor GUI.
- Updated Newtonsoft JSON version to resolve a security alert.
Released 8th June 2022.
- Minor updates to script editor:
- Dumped some missing parameter names
- Corrected parent/child link display to correctly show datatype node names
- Disabled WIP options (CAGEAnimation editor / resources editor)
Released 6th June 2022.
- Added support for the GOG version of Alien: Isolation
- Custom levels added to the game's ENV/PRODUCTION folder are now supported
- "Launch Game" UI auto-populates all available levels in a dropdown
- Game's binary is automatically patched to remove file validation checks
- This not only allows launching custom levels, but support for editing a level's models PAK/BIN
- Asset tools updated to support far more (if not all) DDS formats when previewing/exporting textures
- Various updates to scripting tool & CathodeLib
- Renamed "flowgraphs" to "composites" as this seems to better reflect their implementation in-engine
- Reworked the entity/composite naming system
- Composites are now renamed to their correctly cased names
- More entities are now named as a result of changing dumping method
- Reworked entity name lookup & saving to optimise read speeds
- Additional ShortGuid strings added to lookup database
- Improvements to hierarchy resolving
- Unresolvable hierarchies are now automatically removed
- Hierarchies are now shown on override/proxy entity summaries
- Added ability to create overrides & proxies
- Added TriggerSequence viewer/editor
- Progress towards CAGEAnimation editor
- Fixed MVR save option, and improved wording
- Various other UI tweaks, optimisations, and fixes
- Repo now embeds CathodeLib to improve development experience
- CathodeLib is nearing a new release, more info shortly
Released 19th March 2022.
- All "STEAM ONLY" options (aside from Cinematic Tools) in the patch notes are now available for Epic Games Store clients
Released 19th March 2022.
- Major overhaul to the "Launch Game" functionality
- Added new launch options
- Auto-inject Cinematic Tools (STEAM ONLY)
- Enable UI performance overlay (STEAM ONLY)
- Reworked "Loap Map" functionality
- Tech_RnD_HzdLab can now be loaded into (STEAM ONLY)
- Gamma settings will no longer be reset (STEAM ONLY)
- Save games are accessible (STEAM ONLY)
- Fixed implementation on Epic Games Store versions
- All map names are now capitalised properly
- Previously selected map is now remembered
- Minor updates to Cathode Script editor
- "Caching..." text shows when caching entity names
- All map names are now capitalised properly
- Enty point editor window now sorts flowgraphs alphabetically
- Fixed font rendering in asset tool
Released 7th March 2022.
- Major update to script editor - too big to list here, but highlights:
- Ability to add/delete entities, flowgraphs, links, and parameters
- Support for editing individual parameter values and changing datatype
- Auto selection of datatype for parameters
- Massive optimisations and performance improvements
- Resized window for smaller resolutions and improved layout/population
- Re-enabled localisation editor
- debug_font assets are auto-written to the game's DATA folder
- Fixed implementation of custom fonts across all WinForm UIs
- Reworked implementation of behaviour tree unpack/repack functionality
- Adjusted button layout in Brainiac Designer workspace
- All OpenCAGE related processes are auto-killed when updating to prevent issues
- Fixed a SSL/TLS issue in the updater on Windows 7
- Updated README