
Welcome to the documentation for OpenCAGE!

OpenCAGE is a community-created open-source modding toolkit for the game Alien: Isolation, intended to offer functionality that was originally available within CAGE (the Creative Assembly Game Editor).

While CAGE was never publicly released, years of reverse engineering efforts have resulted in a decent feature set for the community tools - it's possible to do a whole variety of things including; asset import/export, level script modification/creation, core configuration edits, NPC and behaviour tweaks, weapon mods, and more!

The docs are broken down into sections below which cover information related to each subsection of the tools. Be aware that this documentation is currently a work-in-progress, as are the tools themselves. Some things may not be documented, and other things may have changed in the toolkit from what is shown here.

If you have any further questions, feel free to join the Discord!

Cathode Scripting

Cathode Scripting Introduction
An introduction to the Cathode scripting system and high-level overview of OpenCAGE's script editor.
Cathode Entities
A complete look at all entities and interfaces within the Cathode scripting system.
Cathode Enums
A complete look at all enums available within the Cathode engine.

More scripting documentation is coming soon...

Configurations and Behaviour Trees

Further legacy documentation is available over on the OpenCAGE GitHub Wiki to cover these sections, and will be brought across to this new site in time.

OpenCAGE Changelog

For information about all the latest changes, click here to view the changelog.